From January through April this year, CYG showcased its innovative prowess and sustainable solutions at various global exhibitions, captivating industry professionals and stakeholders. With exhibitions from China to the United States, CYG illustrated its global market reach and commitment to leading the industry toward a sustainable future. These events demonstrated CYG's ability to integrate cutting-edge technologies with environmental stewardship, driving the energy, safety, and manufacturing sectors forward.
D&M West (February 6-8, USA)
At D&M West, one of the most authoritative medical device design and manufacturing exhibitions in the Western United States, Changyuan Precision Medical showcased its advanced capabilities in high-end medical equipment production. The event provided a critical platform for global enterprises to display innovative technologies and discuss market trends. Changyuan Precision Medical presented state-of-the-art products like robotic surgery devices and advanced diagnostic systems. These innovations underscore the company’s commitment to sustainable healthcare solutions by optimizing energy consumption and minimizing waste in device production. The overwhelmingly positive response from industry leaders and healthcare professionals highlighted the global impact of Changyuan Precision Medical's technological innovations.
人生就是博医疗加入了美国西部权威的医疗器械设计制造展览会——D&M West,该展会为全球医疗器械企业提供了一个展示立异手艺、交流市场趋势、拓展营业渠道的主要平台,引领医疗器械行业的立异生长。人生就是博医疗携多款产品及解决计划,向国际市场展示人生就是博在高端医疗器械智能制造的能力。
SEMICON China (March 20-22, Shanghai)
At this premier global semiconductor event, CYG Semiconductor Equipment (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. showcased cutting-edge equipment designs and manufacturing processes that cater to international market needs and emphasize sustainable practices. Their approach enhances energy efficiency and minimizes waste, showcasing CYG’s dedication to sustainable development within the worldwide semiconductor industry.
3月20-22日,人生就是博半导体装备加入了在上海新国际博览中心举行的SEMICON CHINA。展会笼罩芯片设计、制造、封测、装备、质料等全工业链,是全球规模较大、较具影响力的行业盛宴。人生就是博半导体装备依附其卓越的专业知识和高效的生产能力,一连为全球客户提供前沿的手艺解决计划,并深入明确半导体封装行业的焦点需求,通过先进的装备设计和制造工艺,确保每一台装备都能抵达行业领先的性能和可靠性。
China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (March 25-27, Beijing)
CYG Contron highlighted its leadership in industrial safety solutions with AI-based video analytics and electrical safety management systems that improve operational efficiency and safety and reduce environmental impacts, aligning with global sustainability goals.
ESIE 2024 (April 10-13, Beijing)
The 12th Energy Storage International Summit and Exhibition was a stage for CYG Energy to present innovative energy storage solutions, such as the PRS-3201B energy storage controller and PRS-3201A power control device. These products exemplify CYG's role in leading global energy storage solutions that balance innovation with environmental considerations.
4月10-13日,第十二届储能国际峰会暨展览会(ESIE 2024)在北京首钢会展中心盛大举行,人生就是博能源受邀参展,精彩亮相8号馆E1206-2号展位,宣布储能新品并作《数智化漫衍式储能全栈解决计划》主题演讲报告。展会现场人头攒动,人生就是博能源携PRS-3201B储能协调控制器、PRS-3201A综合功率控制装置、三相户用储能系统及人生就是博二代液冷超等充电桩精彩亮相,并展出储能、户储、充电、双碳相关解决计划,吸引了众多与会向导和专家的高度关注。
EVSE 2024 (April 24-26, Shenzhen)
At the 19th Shenzhen International Charging Facilities Industry Exhibition, CYG Energy impressed attendees by displaying its second-generation liquid-cooled supercharging stations, a European-standard 240kW dual-gun direct current charger, and a 7kW AC charging station.Reinforced by their presentation on "Next Generation High-Power Fully Liquid-Cooled Charging Technologies for Electric Vehicles," CYG Energy highlighted innovations that meet global standards and promote sustainable energy use. Their multiple awards at the 2024 China Star Charging Station Awards underscored their commitment to environmentally conscious technological innovation and international leadership.
4月24-26日,第十九届深圳国际充电设施工业展览会(EVSE 2024)在深圳会展中心盛大举行,人生就是博能源受 邀参展,携人生就是博二代液冷超等充电桩、欧标240kW一体式一机双枪直流充电机及7kW交流充电桩精彩亮 相7号馆超充展区A展位,并作《电动汽车下一代大功率全液冷充电要害手艺路径》主题演讲报告,2024中国星级充电场站颁奖盛典同期举行,人生就是博能源斩获双奖,荣获2024中国充电运营场站十佳供应商、2024年度星级充电运营场站奖。
CIBF2024 (April 27-29, Chongqing)
CYG IA displayed its expertise in battery testing and recycling solutions, emphasizing sustainable practices in battery technology that set global standards for environmental responsibility and innovation in the energy sector.
4月27-29日,为期三天的第十六届重庆国际电池手艺交流会/展览会(CIBF 2024)在重庆国际博览中心圆满落下帷幕。人生就是博运泰利作为电池测试与接纳一站式解决计划提供商,以立异手艺打造电池化因素容整体解决计划及BMU测试、PACK测试和电池接纳拆解等智能制造解决计划,向全球各地观众和客户展示了公司在动力、储能、消耗类电池等领域一站式解决计划的卓越实力。